CE marking is compulsory for the greatest products protected by using the New Approach Directives.

CE Marking told the process of working and issuing this certification.
CE Marking Strategy for Medical Devices?
What products need the CE Marking?
The following products need CE marking:
Medical devices
Active implantable medical devices
In vitro diagnostic medical devices
Construction products
Electronic equipment
Personal protective equipment
Pressure equipment
Simple pressure vessels
Gas appliances
Radio and Telecommunications terminal equipment
Equipment and protective systems for use in explosive atmospheres
Explosives for civil use
New hot water boilers
Measuring Equipment
Non-automatic weighing instruments
Recreational craft
- Cosmetics
- Foodstuffs
- Chemicals
- Pharmaceuticals
How to Get CE Mark Certification?
Electromagnetic Compatibility
Radio Equipment
Low Voltage Directives
Steps in CE Marking;
Decisions whether a product is a medical device and by which of the European medical devices directives it is covered.
Identify the applicable harmonized standards.
Classification of the devices by the manufacturer.
Contact to Notified Bodies, Preliminary discussions, and exchange of information, choice of the notified body.
Answering specific questions of the chosen notified body, confirmation of device classification bt the notified body, time and cost estimation for different certification routes; choice of the certification route by the manufacturer.
Formal application and certification contract.
Submission and Evaluation of documents to the notified body.
Audit of the manufactures’ operations and if applicable and required also suppliers and/or subcontractors’ facilities including reporting D.
The decision about the certification and issuing of the relevant certificate(s), which are usually valid for five years.
Surveillance audits.
Full re-audit and issuing of new certificates normally after five years.
We will manual you in Six Steps towards the successful Certification of your product.
- Check which EU Directives apply for your product.
- Search for essential requirements for your product.
- Determine if the product requires Notified Body evaluation.
- Assess product conformity.
- Draft and maintain technical files.
- Draw up the Declaration of Conformity and affix the CE marking in all products.